COVID-19 In Person Services

What you need to know:

Covid-19 Service times:

8:00  9:30 and 11:00 a.m. 

  • Those considered high risk may want to consider attending the 8:00 a.m. service.

  • Please be prepared: things will not look the same!

  • We've rearranged a bit of furniture to make certain you are as safe as possible.

  • The only doors used for entry/exit will be the 2 sets of doors located on the east side of the building that lead directly into the foyer. Entry doors will be unlocked and propped open 15 minutes prior to each service.

  • For your convenience, both the communion and Joy Box (offering) will be located just inside the door as you enter the foyer. Hand sanitizer will be sitting on the table with the communion.

  • There will be no bulletins and no inserts of any kind. If you are a note taker, please bring your own pen/paper or check out the "sermon notes" page on the Church Center App

  • Coloring tables will have paper and crayons provided.

  • The water fountain will be closed.

  • The north restrooms will be available for use.

We are looking forward to

seeing you on Sunday!